Israel & Gaza- A Deep Complexity…

The history and conflicts of Israel spans a historical impact that goes further back than October 2023. Further back than 1948. Further back than the Persians, the Greeks, Christians or Muslims. And much much further back than the people of Palestine or it’s existence. The events and loss of life the world has witnessed in Israel and the Gaza strip recently, is a deeper representation of a philosophical, territorial, and ethnic dispute that has caused the Middle East to be the controversial, dangerous, and emotionally charged region in the world that it is. The primary factors that play into this bloody and personal issue is Islam, Judaism, and the propaganda war that follows.

Jews have been hated, and sought after since the beginning of the Roman empire. Judaism was a religion based on the life of Christ, that would challenge the Roman authority. Following Judaism, Islam was established. The purest interpretation of Islam called for the death of Jews, oppression of all women, and a forever era of male Islamic rule to be followed after and imitated throughout the world.

Judaism signifies the birth place of Christ, the values of a humble and pure religion, and a distinct threat to the human condition of self-centered living. Before the nation and people of Palestine were born out of a people group of Muslim followers of Allah, the land of “Gaza” belonged to the nation of Israel spanning back to Biblical times before the birth of Christ. Following the rise of the Nation of Israel, the region of Israel for centuries would change, would be overcome in land wars between Arabs and Christians, Muslims and Jews, and for a long period in History, the original land of Israel would be subject to thousands of land wars and campaigns. Due to this, the Jewish people would come into unimaginable suffering, death, and loss of their land, heritage, and history.

That is, until 1948, post WWII. Following the defeat of Hitler, a world leader that committed a global genocide campaign against Jews, the free world promised to never allow the treatment, racism, and genocide that took place towards Jews to ever happen again. World leaders then, formulated through international diplomacy and law, forged the modern day “State of Israel.” A re-establishment of the people of Israel, Jewish citizens, and the holy Land of Jesus. From there, a bond and alliance was formed between Israel and the United States. As well as an alliance between Israel and the majority of modern day democracies that value and advocate for the rights of Jewish people. But there was one problem. This region happened to be formed by Islamic and Arab nations that to this day, have sought to continue the vision of Hitler and Allah…to eradicate Jews and “take back” the territories from the Jewish people. From here, began and thrived the global propaganda campaign of Al Jazeera. A massive journalist and media organization that is owned by Qatar, and funded by the nation of Iran. Qatar and Iran, being two of these modern Islamic nations that seek to eradicate Israel off of the face of the earth. You see, Hamas is just one byproduct, one small piece of a much bigger puzzle. The greatest threat, in my opinion, to Israel isn’t little terrorist organizations like Hamas. The real threat to the state of Israel and Jews worldwide is the influence that Al Jazeera has on the middle east, neighboring nations that hate Israel, and young people throughout the world trying to figure out what to believe and where to gain their sources from. The “Free Palestine” movement was started, and fueled by Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera has successfully caused the majority of Muslim Palestinians in Gaza, and all around the world to believe that Israel is a oppressive and militant state that stole their forefathers land from them. And yet, the only governments in the world that give time and light to this false narrative are the Muslim nations that happen to all surround, and deeply hate Israel. Muslims hate Israel because Israel is a powerful nation with powerful weapons and powerful worldly alliances that represents and protects the Jewish people. The Muslim Brotherhood cannot stand this. So what do they do…? They kill jews. They follow and implement in the teachings of tyrants like Hitler and Stalin. They tell their own people that Israel stole their land. That Israel is a colonizer and oppressor.

So, who, buys these lies. A lot of people do. Muslims do. Many arabs do. Young people do. And so do Palestinians. Who doesn’t buy these lies and knows they are unequivocally wrong? Barack Obama doesn’t. Donald Trump doesn’t it. Hillary Clinton doesn’t. George W Bush doesn’t. United States Intelligence. British Intelligence. Canadian Intelligence. Indian Intelligence. French Intelligence. German Intelligence. Liberal and Conservative leaders alike, have refused to abandon the State of Israel. Because they know and understand the history. They know the cost of Anti-Semitism and lies. They understand this issue is much deeper than what social media reals can reveal. Much more complex than your Harvard professor. And much more complex than we are aware. The bloodshed in Gaza is a direct effect of this historical and painful conflict. Innocent people always die in war. War is never fair. What is fair is recognizing that the State of Israel has a worldly recognized right to defend itself. That Hamas hides under the most populated regions of Gaza in order to feed the pipeline for propaganda organizations like Al Jazeera. That Hamas fighters are cowards who have zero regard for the life of Jews or Palestinians alike.

And that the only way we will be able to save lives and end this wretched and horrifying conflict is when we as a people come together, put down the youtube videos that back our opinions, and understand that this issue will take understanding, respect, healing, compromise, and courageous resolve.


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