The Election, Jesus, and a Worthy Calling

It’s October 31st, just under a week before the presidential election. Asking God to give me the words to speak that would bring life and hope and a deeper focus on what matters the very most as the country, and the western Church processes who won, who lost, and all of the emotions that come with that. If you are reading this, your candidate has either won, lost, or is challenging the results of a very close, intense, and what may feel to many, costly election for America. As I am writing this, days beforehand, I do not know what lies ahead. I cannot possibly predict who will win. And I do not know for sure how this country will react, heal, and trust moving forward. But here’s what I do know with all  of my heart.  

Jesus does not move, work or accomplish His will for our world according to the leaders, principalities or authorities of man. The God of yesterday who moved mountains before your eyes is the God today holding your heart, and He is the God of tomorrow who will never, ever, fail you and me. As important as this election felt, it is over. And we, Christians, have a higher hope, a deeper responsibility and a greater calling to go out into the world today as the people we were on November 4: a people who know and trust God to be their greatest candidate and advocate of righteousness, goodness, justice and peace.  

Here is the reality I want you to consider. Whoever won this election and whoever will be the next sitting president on January 20th 2025, that person has no control over your ability in this country, setting, economy and status to love your neighbor, to speak the gospel, and to invite others into the godly community that changed your life. And so, as hard of a loss or joyful of a win this election was for you, your marching orders and your calling by Jesus himself has not shifted or redeveloped.  

And so, come what may, win  or lose, freedom or oversight, Christ our King is in pursuit of His Church, committed to His Church, and willing to use His church for the advancement of His mighty kingdom…if we will let Him. We have to want and yearn and search and seek out neighbors above region. Our friends above our party, Our family members above our comforts. And our Heavenly economy over our worldly one.

Friend, if you do not know Jesus as your redeemer and savior, then this election and its’ results may feel detrimental and sickening to you. But if you know Jesus and call Him father, then the circumstances of your country and your ecosystem has no right or need to steal your joy, dictate your hope or pause your calling.

My prayer is that the Church will not be shaken by the turmoil or unknowns of the political atmosphere, but rather that the Church will become the ground zero for people who are looking for answers, searching for hope, and in desperate need of something better than what this world or the American dream has offered them. You have that answer. You know how the story ends.

Tell them. Live it out before them. And see what God might do through a people who have found their greatest trust and joy in the systems and rhythms of His gospel and His kingdom over the systems and rhythms of a dying and decaying world.

May God bless you, may God bless the United States of America, and may God bless and use and sanctify His holy and sacred Church.
