Political Idolatry, Christian Responsibility, and The Supremacy of God
American politics have shaken and challenged the principles, convictions, and practices of the Western Church for decades. Who do you vote for? Do you vote at all? What would Jesus do if He were to walk on earth today with all of its modern problems and obstacles? What would God say regarding social justice, the sanctity of life, or the character of powerful men and women? All legitimate questions for individuals to answer in their own time, according to their own convictions. My words here are not meant to endorse a certain political candidate. It’s not to dive into what’s wrong with the progressive Left, what’s corrupt regarding right-winged Nationalism, or to judge the motives, actions, or policies of Joe Biden or Donald Trump. All I am here to say is…relax. As important as politics are, as critical as it is that we elect leaders who uphold the righteous matters that are closest to God’s heart, God is the one who raises up leaders and who brings them down. No election is won without the authority of God. Leaders do not catch Him off guard. They do not disrupt His plans. And they pose no challenge to His divine Supremacy. What does this mean? This means we are free from clinging to any chains of political idolatry. This means we can put relationships and unity first, before political leniency at the dinner table. This means we can wake up, the day after election day and live our lives no differently… abiding in and clinging to the confidence and goodness of our God. Remembering that He judges the living and the dead. He rules and holds full control of our world. And He is in hot pursuit of our hearts, and everything He wants to do in our lives.