The Talent, Ability, and Moral Bankruptcy of T Swift

I remember growing up, and "Teardrops On My Guitar" & "Love Story" blaring through my old truck's cheep speakers from my iPod plugged into the auxiliary modem. (Now I feel old)

Throughout my journey and previous seasons as a songwriter, and worship pastor, I always had the utmost respect of @taylorswift 's immaculate lyrics, tones and ability as an artist.

I still have that same respect. I listen to her music and I follow her journey as she releases one magnificent musical work of art after another.

Taylor Swift is a phenomenon. A legend. And leader and influencer of intense power in the world of music. And...of *culture*

Of what defines loves, sex, feelings and moral authority.

I've seen a tension in the Christian community concerning T Swift. A scale of two worlds and approaches that I think might both be off.

I've seen a very real idolization and propping up of someone who mocks God and his authority.

On the other hand, I've seen a unwarranted, judgmental and condemning tone from a place lacking the foundational trait of Jesus: love for the lost.

We so quickly react to culture and cultural leaders without bringing into perspective the ways Christ walked on this earth. Jesus existed and manifested in perfect embodiment Grace + Truth.

He then asked His bride, the Church to walk in those footsteps when engaging our world.

Grace towards Taylor Swift is understanding her depravity and need of rescue. Just as we also recognize our own depravity without Christ and our need of His rescue.

Truth towards Taylor Swift is understanding that she does not have the authority to redefine love and morality, and should not be viewed as a role model regarding it.

In other words, enjoy her music, her abilities and her presence. But leave any form of idolization or the temptation to listen too closely to her worldview, behind.


Political Idolatry, Christian Responsibility, and The Supremacy of God
