Not Enough Without Jesus

Dear reader, 

I write to you, humbled and caught up in the beauty and misery of this little, chaotic and powerful life we live and yearn through. It’s not enough. Our plots. Our toils. The leaders we elect, the social movements we march for… we end up continuously dissatisfied, still hurt, and always grasping for answers. 

Why does such painful things happen in this life? 

I think it’s really easy to get caught up exclusively on one spectrum of perception to the other.  From wishing it away and choosing to trust God blindly, or digging into the questions and screaming out for a response as if it is warranted. As I see more friends diagnosed with cancer, more Christian’s addicted, more families broken, and more global disasters happening, I am heavy with grief and yearning for hope. Wearily reminded that this world is not our home, and this world is fading fast. We are called to toil and work towards the glory and goodness of Jesus. That may mean we face suffering without answers. It could mean our life will not be comfortable and our dreams may not be fulfilled. I think a lot of us easily come to grasp with that truth. We accept it. We nod our heads like good Christians. After all, we’re soldiers right? Comrades and representatives of the Kingdom of Jesus! And yet, I think we also find ourselves trying really hard to solve really sucky issues. We vote. We march. We post. We pray for revival. We seek the reconciliation. We join rehab. We do and do and do and do. And while we can easily claim to be resting still and secure in the goodness and power of our God, who is STILL seated high on His throne and in control of all things, we also can exhaust ourselves in the doing of good. Thus, you might suggest, “Isn’t that right of us? Are we not called to give our all in the doing of good?” And in a way, I would absolutely agree with you. Scripture is engulfed in a theme of surrender all, and making the name and work of Christ famous and all costs and without reservation. 

But we are also given this sweet freedom. This secret place. A bunker, a safehouse where can remember how far God has brought us. Where we can be honest about how we feel in the midst of our suffering. We can confess our imperfection. And we can fall radically and steadily into Grace. This, is how we hold fast.

Stop trying to be good. You will find yourself greatly disappointed. Rather, be friendly and fond and genuine with Jesus. Despite how that may expose you. Despite what sin that may bring to light. Regardless of the cost to your name, or the change in your course of direction…Our world as it approaches its final days will not solely be won and changed by Christian’s who chant in the power of their victory and their King. But who also edify in the weakness of ourselves, and the beauty of our Savior. 

May we not be enough, without Jesus.


God In My Darkness


I Will Choose To Remember